Kunekune piglets - deposit

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We are so excited that you want to add kunekune pigs to your farm and homestead!

Kunekunes are originally from New Zealand and are known for their round bodies and upturned snouts. Kunekune are smaller in size compared to commercial breeds of pigs, but with that small stature, comes a lot of benefits, which is why we chose to raise them. Kuneknes need very little pelleted/grain feed and grow well on grass and hay. They do grow slower, but since they aren’t consuming so much feed, they aren’t hard on your wallet. They gain an average of about 3-4 lbs a week.

They are very friendly and less destructive than larger pigs, and that is a big reason we chose them for our farm. We wanted a manageable size pig that would minimally root areas we needed cleared, like the garden, but would not destroy our pastures when they are grazing with sheep.

Kunekunes meat is prized at restaurants and has a beautiful fat cap on the pork chop! As a lard pig, they will give you plenty to have to cook with, make soaps or candles!

Whether you want kunekunes as a pet, or for food, they will be wonderful additions to your home!

Gilts will be priced between $200-$250 without waddles and with waddles they will be likely $275

Barrows or boars will be $150-$175.00.

** 1 deposit per pig. So, if you would like two piglets please put down two deposits.

**Because pigs are social animals, we will only sell in pairs unless you already have pigs on your farm. Thank you for understanding!

A deposit will hold you a spot and let you pick out any of the piglets we believe would be a good fit for you!

Deposits are non-refundable

We do not have any piglets available - Once litters are born this spring 2024, we will have their weaning dates on here, and available pickup dates.

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